Olive growing Pomona


Harvesting and Pressing


Harvesting is from late November to January. The traditional method is used: nets are laid on the ground and for the olive-gathering mechanical farm tools are used, with no harm for the trees and the olives. In this way the gathering is quicker and the olives can be pressed within a few hours.

This is very important to keep flavours, aromas and scents unaltered and the acidity of the oil at its best level. After being brought to the oil-mill, the olives are defoliated, washed and pressed by heavy stones using the so-called "cold pressing".

The mixture obtained by pressing, is quickly centrifugated at a controlled temperature in order to remove the watery part of the mixture and to obtain an extra-virgin olive-oil whose acidity is about 0,2%.

This method avoids any risk of deterioration of the product. In this extra-virgin olive-oil you will not find any trace of chemical substances which are, instead, used in the industrial process.